Tincta minn
Tincta minn

tincta minn

Fagan 2009 This publication is in copyright. FaganĬambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York Information on this title: © Sarah M. German A Linguistic Introduction Sarah M. Jacobs Portuguese: A Linguistic Introduction Milton Azevedo Ancient Egyptian: A Linguistic Introduction Antonio Loprieno Chinese: A Linguistic Introduction Chao Fen Sun Russian: A Linguistic Introduction Paul Cubberley Introducci´on a la ling¨uistica hisp´anica Jose Ignacio Hualde, Antxon Olarrea, and Anna Mar´ıa Escobar French: A Linguistic Introduction Zsuzsanna Fagyal, Douglas Kibbee, and Fred Jenkins Maori: A Linguistic Introduction Ray Harlow German: A Linguistic Introduction Sarah M. Romani: A Linguistic Introduction Yaron Matras Yiddish: A Linguistic Introduction Neil G. Linguistic Introductions available from Cambridge University Press: Her recent publications include Using German Vocabulary (Cambridge, 2004). fagan is Professor in the Department of German at the University of Iowa.

tincta minn tincta minn

The book is an essential learning tool for undergraduate and graduate students in German and linguistics. Each chapter includes exercises designed to give the reader practical experience in analyzing the language. Prior knowledge of German is not required, as glosses and translations of the German examples are provided. It surveys the history of the language, the major dialects, and German in Austria and Switzerland, as well as sociolinguistic issues such as style, language and gender, youth language, and English influence on German. It describes the main linguistic features: the sounds, structure, and formation of words, structure of sentences, and meaning of words and sentences. This book provides an introduction to the linguistic structure of Standard German that is rich in descriptive detail and grounded in modern linguistic theory. Standard German is spoken by approximately 95 million people worldwide.

Tincta minn