The girl who sees smells ep 2
The girl who sees smells ep 2

Honestly, I tried and it just didn’t work. I will never be able to see this exchange between Moogak and Jaehee with a clean mind. It’s a shame he can’t be placed with Kang Doyoung on my hall of fame just yet, he has the better smirk/I’m going to kill you face. Despite the obvious poor writing in certains aspects of his character, I consider him a pretty good villain. Regardless of how much creep factor that was rooted in, I expected a bit of hesitation not for him to go for the chloroform immediately. I mean we seemed to be seeing some sort of one-sided affection on his part for her. I thought he’d feel a bit conflicted at least. How about a coroner? The owner of a funeral house? Veterinarian? I’m also rather surprised at him going after Chorim immediately. I mean, there are plenty of other professions where you get to cut things up for a living. I’m not sure whether the logic that he became a chef so that he could kill things without caring is sound. Jaehee keeps getting more and more interesting and it’s a shame that we only have three episodes to delve into what made him who he is, or whether he was born that way. Far better that her only flaw be perfection as opposed to being some sort of crazy manic utterly unlikable/unrelatable lead. She’s adorable and perfect, a little too perfect. Sweet as can be and a delightful partner to our hero but umm…she’s not very interesting. Can I hope for Lee Seon Joon to make a comeback as well? (Or Geuroh, give me more of that deliciously sexy man. It’s like Yoochun is flip-flopping between his character in Three Days and his character here. I love Puppy Moogak, but Puppy Moogak is very inconsistent with I Will Get My Revenge Moogak. I get this, I really do, but then you’d expect him to maintain that driven aspect of his character in all his other dealings but he sort of turns into this adorable puppy around Chorim. Chun before to his numerous meetings with Jaehee (in fact their meeting on the road had to be quietest one yet). He essentially goes mental whenever his sister’s killer is brought up, from confronting Dr. He kept spouting some Harry potter-esque dialogue on how neither of them could live while the other survives and that he was going to kill him. The end.” whereas I was making excuses and ducking out of engagements and studying for tests weeks in advance just to make sure I’d be able to sit in front of my laptop clutch my pillow and watch Kill Me Heal Me with both eyes wide open (and teary. Speaking of which, I keep seeing glimpses of a great show here and there but this show honestly doesn’t seem like it’s going to go beyond “well that was a fun watch. He’s like “Really?” while Moogak’s breathing fire, all impassioned and righteous. Look at that face, you can honestly read the exasperation. But best of all has to be Jaehee’s reaction to Moogak’s waltzing. I pity Jaehee’s front door, it’s been abused so badly over the course of this show. (No tragedy there.) But even more crazy – it’s actually pretty amusing – is the way Moogak just waltzes in and out of Jaehee’s house.

the girl who sees smells ep 2

If it does burn down, then he’s the only one that dies. Seriously, I’d love to know what evidence they presented to the fire department to convince them that Jaehee may/may not have a secret chamber in his household and therefore poses a fire hazard to…to what? Jaehee’s home is actually pretty isolated. Their dates are cute (even though that date has the express purpose of reminding us that Chorim’s ability doesn’t work on rainy days), even the kissy faces he makes at her during that smell test are cute (I sort of swooned there for a bit).īut on the other end, Jaehee’s running circles around our bumbling cops and they’re resorting to even crazier plans to try and out him. Those faces Moogak make scream ‘pinch my cheeks’ (seriously how have I not noticed how pinchable Yoochun’s cheeks are? Must be the saeguk hats) Moogak and Chorim are adorbs as always now that we’ve gotten the obligatory angst brought on by the revelations of everyone’s pasts out of the way. The disconnect between the rom-com and crime aspects of this show are even most noticeable in these episodes though. Ah well, it’s not like I’m watching this show for crime procedural accuracy. Subtle differences, yet they could have been realized another way, instead of milking the same ending over and over again. In the first cliffhanger we had Jaehee finding Chorim at the worst time possible, in the second we had him confronting whom he knew to be Choi Eunseol, in the third we have him beginning to put the whole Chorim = Eunseol equation together. It was a rather foolish move on the writer’s part even if I do get what she’s going after. So about those three cliffhangers of ‘Oh no! It’s Chorin and Jaehee, save her someone!” in a row.

The girl who sees smells ep 2